Thursday 12 December 2013

To keep or not to keep?

So I went to a make-up grooming workshop at Carrie Academy to accompany a friend, and I’m so glad I did because I’ve learnt sooo many things within the two days I was there! Now, we all know that make-up has an expiry date right? For those of you who don’t, it’s not good to be a make-up hoarder! Think about it, every time you use the product, it gives bacteria a chance to go in. This makes it a breeding ground for bacteria. You DON’T want to put that on your face.

Anyway, back to the expiry date. Some products, though not all, have an expiry date listed on the packaging. This is because companies are not required by law to state the expiry date. Though, that’s not what you should look out for. I repeat, NOT what you should look out for. The storage life is what matters more. What’s the difference? Storage life is the amount of time you will be able to use the product. The expiry date tells you when the product goes bad. Therefore, the storage life will be lesser of that of an expiry date.  Still confused? Don’t be. It’ll make much more sense after I show you what to look out for on the label.

Looks familiar, doesn’t it? The M in the pictures represents month. So, 9M is 9 months. This means that the storage life for this product is 9 months. For example, if I started using this product now in December, I can use it till September 2014. So, the expiry date may say 29.11.2015 but that just means the product will be kept fresh till then. But once you use the product, bacteria will keep accumulating and after a while, it’s not hygienic to use it anymore. That’s what the storage life is for. Pretty cool, huh?

But what if some products don't have this label? Don't fret, you can always estimate when your product's time is up according to its type. You can read more here!

I hope you’ve learnt something new from the Beauty Bunny today! Remember to subscribe to our mailing list and like our Facebook page to receive our latest updates! Psst.. I have more tips and tricks for you guys in the bag, so you don’t want to miss it! Catch you guys next time ;>

The Beauty Bunny // Rachel XX

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