Tuesday 10 December 2013

Reinventing the Formal Look

When I hear the word “formal”, I can’t help but cringe a little because I get images of horribly boring black and white corporate wear. You know what I’m talking about, the white button ups with black fitted skirts. I’m sorry but that is not my style and I’m sure many of you girls understand how I feel.

Stepping out of the stereotypical look, I have found something that I personally like which redefines the idea of formal wear.

So here is an outfit idea that will add that little bit of oomph to your formal days.

Collared shirt: H&M, Sweater: Thrifted, Pants: Editor’s Market, Heels: Aldo, Necklace: Bangkok, Watch: Casio

A white collared shirt topped with a sweater still keeps the essence of a corporate wear, but with the textured sweater it tones down the formality of the outfit. To give more shape, I tucked in the front of the sweater and left the back out.

I opted for a pair of checkered high-waisted pants just to make the outfit a little interesting instead of just wearing a plain black skirt. But hey there’s no wrong in doing that though! It’s just that I personally like that pants with printed details can add more quirkiness to the whole look.

Nothing can go wrong with black and gold, so I added a hint of gold to the outfit, to add a little pop of colour to the monotonous tones. There is also something about gold accessories that make a statement and make an outfit classier.

To finish off my look I chose my simple black pumps. Just like how every girl needs a little black dress, I think every girl should have a pair of black pumps or heels. Trust me they go with anything!

The outfit still consisted of black and white, but I played around with the prints and texture, so now the colours black and white aren't so boring anymore.

Feel free to comment below on your ideas on how you would style a formal outfit.

Till next time!
xoxo, the fashionable bunny

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