Tuesday 24 December 2013

Know your colour

We all know that colour is important. In fact, colours play a crucial part in our everyday lives whether we notice it or not. When we choose the outfits we wear for the day, or maybe even when we buy furniture according to the colour scheme our rooms. The point is, we want the colours to match.

Now, think. Have you ever realised that whenever you put on a certain colour of eyeshadow, it just doesn't go well with you? Or maybe you've found yourself saying this before about some shade of colour, "I don't suit yellow."

Nope, it's not a coincidence! Let me tell you why, my fellow bunnies. It's all aboout your skin tone! Makes sense, doesn't it? After all, your skin is what people see and of course it has to match with whatever you're wearing!

So, how do you find out your skin tone? By looking at your veins! There are FOUR different types of skin tones. First, let me explain cool and warm:

Cool: Blue + purple veins
Warm: Green veins

Next, there's neutrals. This is when you have both blue/purple veins and green veins as well. In fact, most of us are neutrals. But there are two kinds of neutrals. We categorise them by seeing which colour veins you have more.

Cool-neutral: Blue + purple veins are more prevalent
Warm-neutral: Green veins are more prevalent

Look at my palms, for example.

As you can see, I have a cool-neutral skin tone because I have more blue/purple veins than I do green. However, do look at the rest of your arm as well. For the purpose of this close-up picture, I just took one of my palm. But I do have a running green vein along my wrist. Oh! And take note that the colours of your veins do change sometimes, so there is a possibility of you changing skin tones next time. Weird, but it happens.

Now that you know your skin tones, what now? Well, take a look at the colour wheel again. Now you're able to choose colours that are more suited to your skin tone!

Cools: Blues, Purples, Dark Green
Warms: Red, Yellow, Orange

Other than these colours, there are other neutral colours which will suit both skin tones.

Neutrals: Black, white, grey
Warm neutrals: Browns

Yes, this is also why everyone loves earthy shades for their eyeshadow. This is because it goes well with every skin tone. I hope you learnt something new today, do share this with your friends if you found it helpful! Stay updated on T5B through our mailing list!

The Beauty Bunny // Rachel xx

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