Tuesday 17 December 2013

My favorite workouts!

*Waves* Hello dearest readers!! Sexy bunny aka Pearlzzzz is here to kick start the holiday with a new post and yes, it is about my daily workouts! The holiday season is here wheeeee hehe with Christmas in 8 days and the new year in  14 days!!! Time flies~yes we may be enjoying the food and wine and parties but don't forget to take care of your sexy body and do lots of workout!

So it has been raining recently and I can't go outdoors for my normal routine with includes jogging and everything under the sun :( However, this is not a valid excuse for me to skip my workouts since I feel rather uncomfortable if I don't exercise at least 3 times a week. Hence............ I shall introduce my.......

Isn't it convenient to be exercising in the comfort of your own home when no one is judging you??? YES U CAN NOW! Thanks to the power of internet and technology, I can continue being fit even though it is the raining season muhahahha.

Did you tried all those videos?? Are you sweating it out and feeling awesome?? All of the above videos which features trainers such as Rebecca Louise or Cassey Ho helps in targeting different parts of the body! In addition, they are famous and well- known for training people such as one of the angels in VS!(It's for me to know and for you to find out!) 

All in all, I hope you people will take care and have confident in your body! Remember, EAT WELL AND BE WELL! Enjoy the holiday and STAY FIT!


         SEXY BUNNY :-*

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