Monday 17 February 2014

12 tips to becoming a great digital media writer

Dear Jane,

Glad you asked us "what makes a good digital media writer"!

It actually takes a lot to be a great digital media writer and you have to be equipped with the right knowledge and skills to be able to survive in this tough industry.  Only the fittest survives.

But no worries, The Five Bunnies are here to give you the most important tips to becoming a successful digital media writer. You might even have your own blog like us in the future!

1 .       The Basics

2 .       Getting the story

3 .       Bringing in the crowd

4 .       The 3 Do Nots

The first step is always the hardest but if you are persistent and really passionate about this field, you will surely get the hang of it!:-) You might even be the next famous blogger! So don’t stop trying!
Here are 10 web writing fundamentals that might help you: this site states the top 10 things that you need to remember as a digital media writer. Check this out!

Bunnies feel free to share your own thoughts and tips that you think might help Jane out!

With lots of love,

The Five Bunnies

Monday 3 February 2014

Beyond the shore

Photo credits: Google

We know we have been away for quite a while but we’re finally back! We're pretty sure most of you bunnies have already spotted the change in the banner above, and maybe in our About Us and Contact Us sections too.
So why the sudden change?

We actually had a consultant come take a good look at The Five Bunnies today to provide a fresh and new perspective for us and give us tips on how to improve the blog.

And boy, was it an eye-opening experience!
Alright, we might sound egoistic, but we really did think that our blog was perfect, complete and magnifique.

But we were so wrong! Never did we realise that such minute details played such a big role on our blog. What we never thought were issues actually were, and we realise now that though we may not see it, it doesn't mean it does not exist.

Sometimes, knowing its existence can help make you better.

Same goes out to you bunnies, be it what you see or what you hear; it may not be the only truth.
Ask a friend, a kin, someone you can trust.
They will always be able to give you a different perspective when we often fail to see the whole story.

What is good may not always be good, and what is bad may not necessarily be bad.

Do tell us how you feel about the changes on our blog! Is it a yay or nay?

Till next time!

The Five Bunnies

Monday 27 January 2014

Fit and unhappy

Gabriel Poh may seem like the confident class clown who is popular amongst his peers. But beneath his goofy exterior, is someone who isn't satisfied with his body.

 Even though he has lost over 10 kg within these 3 years, he feels that his body is still a work in progress and will not stop until he achieves what he wants.

 Being 85 kg when he was 17 was a huge blow to his self-esteem. He still recalls the time when he had a class outing to the beach, where he refused to remove his shirt because he was insecure about his body.

After his O levels, Gabriel finally decided to do something about it. He started a strict exercise and dieting regime.

"I stick to an exercising plan of 60 days and follow a strict diet of cutting off of fatty foods, for example, fried food and other stuff."

The journey was never easy for Gabriel, especially in the beginning when he had to give up his favorite crispy fried chicken amongst his other guilty pleasures. That requires dedication, because even we find it impossible to give up our beloved waffles!

So how does he do it?

"One day you may decide that you might not want to stick to your diet because you are not motivated. But I think it’s important to stay focused on your plan, just remember what you want to achieve in the end."

The Five Bunnies totally agree and believe that this is the key factor behind every success. Not only in keeping your body fit, but for the other aspects in life as well, in your studies, in work, chasing your dreams and fulfilling your goals.

 This might be why Gabriel isn't satisfied with his current body. His focus is on his goals and his target, he doesn't want to settle for anything less. So no matter how far he is from his aspirations, he is going to remain focused and persevere to the end. And we hope the same for you!

All the best,
The Five Bunnies

Monday 13 January 2014

Take a stand: High-waisted shorts, yay or nay?

Hello there dear bunnies! A new year has began and school has reopened. )-:
And i know one of the go to outfits for school is high-waisted shorts, but hold up!
According to the Huffington post, guys hate it! High waisted shorts are one of the trends that girls love and that guys hate!

But personally I love it, how is it possible that guys hate it.
It is so flattering, and it instantaneously transforms an outfit. From a casual look to something more dressed up, the high-waisted shorts pulls off any look. It has been the greatest investments in my closet.

Photo Credits to: 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Well let's get down to it and find out if it is really true! Click here to vote and leave your comments to tell us what you think!

Monday 6 January 2014

$3.50 goodness: Kim San Leng's chicken rice in Bishan

Hey there! 

Chicken Rice is deemed one of the most popular dishes in Singapore, with hundreds of chicken rice stalls apparent at every turn.  

Many of my friends have been telling me about one of the best tasting chicken rice in Singapore, located at Kim San Leng Eating house. Being a huge Chicken Rice fan myself, I couldn't resist.

Ming kee chicken rice is well known for its unorthodox style of serving their chicken. When you first arrive at the stall, you’ll be able to see that the chicken aren't hanged up like any other normal chicken rice stall. Instead, they submerge their chicken into ice cold water, and only remove them when it’s time to chop and serve. 

The first thing I noticed was the SUPER long queue. It was a drag, but it made me even more curious of just how good the chicken rice actually was.

At first, it felt weird to be eating chicken which was so cold, but I cleared the entire plate of chicken in mere minutes. I could immediately tell why the chicken rice here was so popular. The meat was juicy, well cooked, and served generously. The rice was really fragrant, and it had a nice and fluffy feel.  I couldn’t help but crave for more after I was finished. 

Despite the tasty rice and chicken combo, there were the inevitable cons to my meal as well. Firstly, the condiments – the chilli was boring and rather bland, and no minced ginger was provided. The soup was the blandest thing I’ve ever tasted in my life. But hey, who expects Michelin star tasting soup when they have chicken rice anyway, right?

All in all, it was a tasty experience, and I recommended that all chicken-rice lovers out there to try it out! Here's the exact location:

Ming Kee Chicken Rice & Porridge (Bugis Street) 明记鸡饭粥 (Bishan)
Blk 511 Bishan Street 13
#01- 522 Kim San Leng Food Centre 
Opening Hours: Daily 10am to 930pm
                         Closed on alternate Tue

chubby bunny. 

Thursday 2 January 2014

Products I Love (Everyday make-up)

For my past few posts, I've been teaching you guys some beauty tips and tricks. So today, let's get personal with some of my own holy grail products that I currently own! I'll even teach you how I use it, and what I love about it. These products are what I use everyday without fail. So I won't be including products like eyeliner, because I don't wear eyeliner everyday. Therefore, the products that I'll be introducing today are absolutely essential if I want to step out of the house looking presentable haha!

A disclaimer before we start, I have included links as to where you can get them online. The prices stated are according to these websites, which are cheaper than getting it in stores (e.g. Sephora). From what I know, these websites are credible as many have purchased from them before. If you are still unsure, you may read their FAQs and do some research of your own. However, do note that the beauty bunny will not be liable for any lost/missing products! :-)

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get started!

1. Averine's Satin Smooth Foundation 

Where to get this? All Aster Spring/Leonard Drake outlets (Online link here)
How much? USD $41 (Online) SGD $68 (In-store)

I love this foundation because it doesn't break me out since I do have acne-prone skin. Although the texture is more of a creamy consistency, it still feels very lightweight on my skin, which I'm very particular about. I really hate products which make my skin feel heavy and oily. The coverage of this foundation is quite light, so I wouldn't recommend it if you like full coverage foundations. Also, the price is quite high, but I do like it just for the texture and its non-comedogenic formula. Pssst, this means that it doesn't block your pores!

2. Bioderma Photoderm MAX Solaire Ultra-Fluide SPF 50+

Where to get this? Loke Skin Clinic at Novena Medical Centre #09-13
How much? Unknown, so sorry!

I think I went crazy trying to look for this product and it's pricing online. There are so many different variations of this product, and I'm just so confused? There's tinted ones, non-tinted ones, as well as ones catered to different skin types and texture. Anyway, I got mine from my dermatologist. I do recommend getting it there as well, because they sell it cheaper compared to stores outside, but I just can't find the price. If I'm not wrong, it's around $30+, but I can't be too sure. 

From what you now know, I'm really particular about a product's texture, especially if I'm putting it on my face. This product is perfect because it acts as a base for my foundation, keeps my face moisturised, AND it doesn't feel greasy on my skin. It's almost magic, I love this product so so much!

3. Benefit's High Beam

Where to get this? Sephora, Benefit counters (Online link here)
How much? SGD $37 (Online) SGD $42 (In-store)

I actually got this as one of my birthday presents from my mum, and she bought this from Sephora at $40+. This product acts as a highlight, so I use it on the bridge of my nose, cheekbones, my chin, forehead, and near the sides of my nose nearing the apples of my cheeks. Basically, anywhere that light hits your face first. This instantly gives you a natural glow, providing more dimension to your face. I especially love using it on my nose, it makes it appear so much sharper! Ladies, try using a highlighter on the bridge of your nose. It could even be some pearly white eyeshadow, so do give it a try!

4. Dermablend Cover Creme

Where to get this? Ariva (Online link here)
How much? USD $49.60

I personally got this from Ariva myself, and mine totalled up to be around SGD $60+ that time I got it. I use this as my daily concealer, because my previous one ran out and I was left with this. Initially I got this as a way of trying to cover a spot of mine that is stark white because there's no pigmentation. Also known as vitiligo, but my case is very very mild. But I just grew lazy and couldn't care less any more. 

Now, this is an industrial strength concealer, so it has very high coverage. (Supposedly) It's used to even hide tattoos and birthmarks. So yes, it's very thick. Would only recommend this to people who think that they need a very very high coverage concealer.

5. Essence fix&matte! Translucent Loose Powder

Where to get this? Selected Watsons outlets
How much? SGD $7.60

Guys, just look at the price. SO cheap! Essence was the precious gem I found while looking around Ngee Ann City's Watsons a few years ago. Their range of products are all so cheap, and the quality isn't too bad as well. So happy that Essence can be found at more Watsons outlets now, including Causeway Point. 

I got this at the Ngee Ann City outlet, and I use it to set my foundation to prevent it from looking oily and it also helps to make my foundation last longer. For the insanely cheap price, I really have no complains about it. Only thing is, because it is a loose powder, I keep making such a huge mess and I always feel like I'm going to drop the whole thing. (I'm really clumsy) Also! Essence is really rising in popularity, so the stocks run out really fast. -______- So check the store often to see if they have it!

6. L'oreal Wear Infinite Eyeshadow in 830 Deep Mocha

Where to get this? Not available in SG (Online link here)
How much? Less than USD $15

My mum got this for me when she was in US, so unfortunately, it's unavailable in Singapore. However, I did find a few sellers on Amazon who shipped internationally, so you can go take a look if you're really keen! I'm not too sure how much shipping is, though. I actually use this eyeshadow more for my eyebrows haha! I use a angled eyeliner brush to fill my brows in with this to make it appear fuller and cover those annoying sparse spots. It's a very versatile product, because the intensity is buildable. So apply more if you need it to be darker! But, since it's for my brows, the initial intensity is perfect.

7. Etude House Dear Darling Lip Tint in #04 Vampire Red

Where to get this? All Etude House Stores
How much? SGD $8.90

Out of all the products I've listed, I probably love this the most. It's a very dark berry colour, which I love. Before discovering this product, I was on the hunt for this exact shade. I love lip tints because it lasts on your lips for a really long time as compared to lipsticks and glosses. The only bad thing is if you have dry lips, using stains will just bring attention to the peeling and make it look very unflattering. So always moisturise your lips before applying a lip stain!

That's it! My holy grail products that I use everyday. I hope you found this post helpful or interesting in some way, please leave a comment if you did! I would be really happy to know that my effort was appreciated HAHA. Subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already! ;-)

The Beauty Bunny // Rachel XX

Sunday 29 December 2013

You can still have fun even though you are broke!

Now, now, tell me who says you can’t get have fun just because you are broke? I feel you, bunnies. I seriously do. We all know that almost everything costs money – even simple thing like transport could be a bomb. Fear not – I am going to introduce some free activities to help you get through the day meaningfully.

1. Take a trip to the Gardens By The Bay 
Picture Credit: Cavin Teo

Since you have the time, why not just head down to the Gardens By The Bay? It is open to public and free, so why not? It is new. It is beautiful. And there are even “supertrees” that play music in the evening! Now, all you have to do is bring your own food. Go on!

 For more details, click here!

 2. Watch Outdoor Movies 
Picture Credit: Lifestyleasia
Yes, outdoor movies and yes, it’s free! Not sure if you guys know about it but I found this out reading this article! (In fact, this post is greatly inspired from this writer!)

So all you have to do is just go to the ION Orchard shopping mall on the last Saturday of every month! The free movie will be played on its huge outdoor video screen. Yay for new experiences!

 For more details, click here!

3. East Coast Park (ECP)
Picture Credit: Nir Sinay 

It’s not all about shopping. Just head down to ECP every once in a while! Take a break from your hectic life and enjoy the simplest things in life.

Feel the sea breeze. Build a sandcastle. Go for a cycle. Anything will do. And just like what budgethotel suggested, even chilling out on the beach under a coconut tree is great too! Why not?

 4. Arts Performances at the Esplanade
Picture Credit: William Cho 

Great performances for the price of zero. Not only can you see great arts on display, you can also catch free performances!

What more can you ask for? Go on and take a look. It might just be one of the greatest live experiences you have ever gained.

 For more details, click here!

5. Take a walk in Chinatown 
Picture Credit: Shivya

It may not sound appealing but you will never know what you can find there. And maybe, just maybe, you might just be as surprised as Shivya – A Forbes Travel Guide Correspondent for Delhi and a travel blogger for The Huffington Post.

That is all for now from idle bunny. Go on to these trips before your holidays come to an end! Catch you guys around alright? And if any of you have even better suggestions, feel free to comment below! I would to love to hear it.

Peace out,
Idle Bunny