Monday 13 January 2014

Take a stand: High-waisted shorts, yay or nay?

Hello there dear bunnies! A new year has began and school has reopened. )-:
And i know one of the go to outfits for school is high-waisted shorts, but hold up!
According to the Huffington post, guys hate it! High waisted shorts are one of the trends that girls love and that guys hate!

But personally I love it, how is it possible that guys hate it.
It is so flattering, and it instantaneously transforms an outfit. From a casual look to something more dressed up, the high-waisted shorts pulls off any look. It has been the greatest investments in my closet.

Photo Credits to: 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Well let's get down to it and find out if it is really true! Click here to vote and leave your comments to tell us what you think!


  1. Personally, I think it is nice but there's a limitation on how much skin you should show?? Some girls wear shorts that can barely cover their skin!!

    1. We totally agree with you! The shorts can be flattering but some just show way too much skin!

  2. i hate high waisted shorts because camel toes but if you think you like to exhibit your camel toes than i suggest wear your high waisted shorts to the zoo. hahahahah

  3. Personally, i think that high waisted shorts are very comfortable and fashionable. I dont understand why people are hating on it. I agree not everyone can pull it off, but there's no need to hate other people's fashion choices. It's their own choice.

  4. No eww unless you have nice perky bubble butt, please do. If you have a paper flat butt, i suggest you throw your high wasted shorts and start getting fbts and work that flat ass of yours because it hurts my eyes. And yes, I'm referring to all the ahlians, minahs and indian anjecks. Go get your ass checked !

  5. I would love to give a vote, but honestly, I'd say it depends. Yes, because it does have the potential to really bring an outfit together, and add a little glam to an outfit. But I'd say that guys "hate" it because of how it's worn these days--inappropriately. As a girl, I can honestly say that I hate when high waisted shorts are short to the point the it's downright inappropriate to be worn.. well, anywhere. Being able to see one's cheek is not appropriate to be worn anywhere--school, work, even out on the streets! (I mean, just by looking at the photos above support my point that shorts these days are far too short..) So yes, I love high waisted shorts when they aren't also incredibly short.

    1. Yes I like what you have said there! It's quite sad that girls are wearing them quite inappropriately and degrading themselves. Length should play a part in choosing a pair of high-waisted shorts or shorts even. There shouldn't be a type of girl who suits high-waisted shorts. But it is the type of shorts that suit a girl.

  6. As long as it's not too short (eg. showing butt cheeks), I think it's still okay!

  7. I don't understand why you would wanna compress your stomach like that

  8. I feel that it can look gorgeous on some, but unflattering to others. While I think that it's a classic, not everyone can pull it off. It really depends on how you wear it, your body shape and a couple of other factors.

  9. I feel that they shouldn't wear everytime, but on some occasion i think it's fine

  10. Well, I'm a Muslim, so def no....

  11. I think it depends on the individual because not everyone can pull it off

  12. I like High Waist shorts. They are comfortable. But if i gained weight I wouldn't wear them as it's not good to compress your tummy LOL! Personally, I feel that they ARE indeed the in fashion at the moment. We can't say if they trend will die down, but til then, I will be wearing them to counter the Singapore heat!

  13. I can't wear it anyway because of my religion hahahaha

  14. I prefer wearing jeans though!!!!

  15. I don't like wearing high waisted shorts!

  16. Definitely a no! You're going to get the wrong attention. I've seen girls wearing such shorts and get stared all-the-time, oh god. Unless you love the attention. I realise the length of shorts is getting shorter.
    There's a limit to the amount of skin you are showing. Have some self-respect first if you want people to respect you. Sexiness is not necessarily defined by the clothes you wear. If this is the case of self-expression, there are other better ways to express onself without demoralizing your character with such attire.

  17. Actually singapore is so hot so are so used to wearing shorts, just as long as the high waisted shorts are not too short till you can see your butt cheeks, it's fine.

  18. ew no, Asians can't pull it off. Sorry.

  19. I think that it is okay.The weather in SIngapore is very hot so it is reasonable for them to be worned.

  20. i think its reasonable because of the weather and also how it hide the fats of the girls. If this makes them comfortable, why not?

  21. Wearing jeans/bermudas/maxi skirts in this weather is still fine. You won't perspire in them. The shorts shown above are way too short. Increase in number of perverted guys, :x Have some shame ya?

  22. i think its alright , it is a nice fashion sense , it helps to show off the curves of a women's body and it helps to make the girl attractive if they want to do so. although it may be revealing , but it is nice if it isnt too revealing

  23. I think high waisted shorts looks good on ladies because it helps them to bring out lady's exterioe beauty.

  24. I think it's has both it's plus point and negative point. Certain girls can pull it off decently while certain make it look indecent

  25. HIGH WAISTED SHORTS ARE SOOO CUTE!!! But if you have yet to get your perky butt, maybe you can wear a sheer black tights underneath:)

  26. I think it is ok if you're going out with your friends. But not very suitable for certain events, like going out with adults because they have their own thinking and may think that it is too revealing.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. It depends on where you wear your high waisted shorts to. Like to school it is not appropriate at all, but if you're going out then it's fine. But i respect their decision to wear it, if they like it then they wear it. It's fine with me

  29. i think it really depends on what you match it with.

  30. I don't mind girls wearing shorts but if the the shorts is short until it shows the butt cheek it isn't appropriate any more.

  31. I'm male and although I voted the "nay"side in the poll, some females look really good in them so I must say that the options were rather too extreme as it's tricky to take an absolute stand on this.

    First of all, it really depends on your body type. No offence to anyone but if you're "bootylicious", have a curvaceous bottom, or slightly lacking in height, it might make you look a bit dumpy. Also if you wear it too high, it might cause undesired exposure and end up looking inappropriate. It should also not be worn so tight that you look "squeezed" into them. Fitted varieties work well on women with skinny legs, but if you feel less than confident about your thighs, shorts with looser leg cuts might be more your style.

    In addition, what you choose as a top to match the shorts also plays a part. I generally like how they look from the front as they give a nice shape to your silhouette, but it can also make you look like you've got an unusually long butt from the back though. A basic no-brainer when wearing high-waisted shorts will be to tuck in the top, otherwise you'll end up looking really sloppy.

    Lastly, and this is a personal opinion of mine, I don't find denim high-waisted shorts (especially light wash) as attractive compared to those made of cotton. The cotton type gives off a dressier look while the denim type looks more suited for living in the countryside, but you'll probably still be able to pull anything off if you have the body and confidence.

    Having said all of that, what matters the most is how you see yourself and as long as you're happy and comfortable in what you're wearing, who cares what other's say or think. :)
