Monday 17 February 2014

12 tips to becoming a great digital media writer

Dear Jane,

Glad you asked us "what makes a good digital media writer"!

It actually takes a lot to be a great digital media writer and you have to be equipped with the right knowledge and skills to be able to survive in this tough industry.  Only the fittest survives.

But no worries, The Five Bunnies are here to give you the most important tips to becoming a successful digital media writer. You might even have your own blog like us in the future!

1 .       The Basics

2 .       Getting the story

3 .       Bringing in the crowd

4 .       The 3 Do Nots

The first step is always the hardest but if you are persistent and really passionate about this field, you will surely get the hang of it!:-) You might even be the next famous blogger! So don’t stop trying!
Here are 10 web writing fundamentals that might help you: this site states the top 10 things that you need to remember as a digital media writer. Check this out!

Bunnies feel free to share your own thoughts and tips that you think might help Jane out!

With lots of love,

The Five Bunnies

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