Monday 18 November 2013

Introducing the bunnies

Hi there!

Welcome to the five bunnies' official blog! Here on this platform, we share with you great life tips that will keep you entertained!

Our Mission: The five bunnies aim to inspire youth aged 13 to 26 in different aspects of their lives- mainly beauty, food, health and fitness, fashion, and entertainment.

Our Vision: To provide valuable reviews and advice through a variety of platforms to improve each individual lifestyle.

Our Concept: There are five bunnies behind this website that handles different sections and caters to specific target audience. They are the Vain bunny (Rachel), Chubby bunny (Em), Healthy bunny (Pearlyn), Fashionable bunny (Christina), as well as Idle bunny (Enning)!

Why bunnies? Just like them, we are a bunch of people that are always curious about the latest happenings and trending topics around Singapore! We like to explore events and do reviews about anything and everything within the five sections.

Pearlyn the Sexy bunny– Want a VS angel body? Or how about some tips and tricks to keep you in shape? In this section, our healthy bunny will be talking about some facts that you may not know and giving you some tips or video to watch to keep yourself fit!

Emilia the Chubby bunny– Yum yum yum, yum in my tum. Living to eat is the new fun! Chubby bunny reveals and discovers many hidden good food at places you never knew. From pastries to main courses to deserts, you name it, we have it!

Rachel the Beauty bunny– New and inexperienced at make-up? Join me as I share with you beauty basics that are sure to transform you into a diva! Dolling up is going to be more fun than ever as I teach you everything I know about beauty.

Enning the Idle bunny– Are you clueless on what to do during your free time? Are you always bored? Fret not! Come and join our idle bunny and find out ways to keep yourself entertained. Or even better, let’s talk about latest news together!

Christina the Fashionable bunny– Got a date? Have a fashion emergency? Don’t worry fashionable bunny to your rescue! I will teach you the 101 on fashion DOs and DON’Ts. And trust me soon you would know how to transform a plain white shirt into a fashion statement.

We hope you enjoyed our very first video compilation! Stay tuned for more updates, cheers to more to come!;-) 
Do leave a comment below, you can drop us any suggestions or challenges to write or video and we'll reply you soon!
Till the next post!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. wow i can't wait to read your posts!
